Foregene Co., Ltd. was founded in April 2011 by well-known scholars who returned from studying at Yale University, famous inventors and senior industry professionals. Foregene's R&D team consists of 40 people(mainly phD and master), has 2500 ㎡comprehensive building, 600 ㎡ P2 laboratory, and 1200㎡ GMP production facility. With Direc...
Foregene double-column isolation and purification method can quickly and efficiently extract high-purity and high-quality total RNA from cultured cells, animal tissues, plant tissues, serum/plasma and other samples. DNA-Cleaning Column can easily separate the supernatant from tissue lysate , bind and remove genomic DNA. RNA-only Column can ef...
Our Team
Foregene Co., Ltd. was founded by well-known scholars who returned after studying at Yale University, famous inventors and senior industry professionals. Foregene's R&D team consists of 40 people(mainly phD and master), has 2500 m2 comprehensive building, 600 m2 P2 laboratory, and 1200 m2 GMP production facility. ...